Copyright tutorial
-- Copyright tutorial --
This tutorial shows how a copyright text can be hidden within an image but be able to display it using a simple technique.
First bring into PI the image you want to copyright. Make sure you have resized it to the final size before you apply the text.
Use red or blue for the text colour, this seems to work best, and place in a prominent place. The copyright symbol is displayed by holding down the ALT key and typing 0169 on the number pad, then releasing the ALT key.
Right click on the text and select properties. For this image I found 'Addition' to work best with a transparency of 50%. With other images try 'Difference' with a transparency set as low as possible to make the text disappear. Don't go over 95% as it won't work very well.
If the merge and transparency boxes are greyed out then change the colour of the image to 24 bit. You will have to do this for GIF files.

When the text has disappeared, 'merge all', and save your image. Now we will try and display the hidden copyright text.

Click on 'Format' and select 'Hue & Saturation'. Make sure that the 'preview' is ticked. Now move the Hue slider in VERY small increments and you should see the text appear. Adjust the lightness and saturation controls to improve the text.

It doesn't matter that the text is not perfectly clear. So long as it is readable then you have achieved the object of the excercise... to display your copyright text. With similar type images you may be able to put these steps into the QCP (Quick Control Panel) which will automate the process. You might want to set up one using a merge of 'Addition' and another using 'Difference'.
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